Tuesday, 12 February 2013


The Jelly Bean team are currently busy at work on their latest project, Danny Down the Drainpipe.

Written by GCSE English teacher, Lynda Nash, Danny Down the Drainpipe is a fresh and vibrant picture book that sees a reluctant Danny sent to have a bath by his Mother, only to be sucked down the plug hole and taken on the adventure of a lifetime! From the sewers to the sea, Danny sees rats, bobble hats, goldfish having tea and he even flies on a cloud!  

With Lynda’s sharp and enjoyable text and featuring beautiful illustrations from up-and-coming designer Carie Martyn, we are certain that Danny Down the Drainpipe will be another Jelly Bean success.

Check out some of the artwork below.

Danny as he travels through the pipes
Sewer rats and bobble hats

Danny Down the Drainpipe is available to pre-order now at a reduced price for a limited time. To secure your copy, please click here. The finished book will be released in March (2013).

If you have a book that you’d like to print through JellyBean Books then please get in touch

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